As another year of closes to an end, I'm just now creating what is sure to be the greatest blog page of all time, space, and dimension.... no wait.... what I mean to say is one of the greatest ways to waste time of all space and dimension. Pressing on to the topic at hand: The end of another year, the beginning of another adventure.
There are so many things that happen to one's self during the course of a year, it's hard to look back and remember all the important events that made the year a whole. I've realized this year, that there is more to life than there seems to be. Not to say I've been blind to the fact that life holds so many wonders... but I was very naive in thinking my life was to head down one certain path. There are so many people like me who go through life and stick to the safe route so not to get hurt or hurt others. Sometimes you've got to be more than just an android walking around sector 3-C, emotionless, useless, and only existing because you exist. For once, I feel like I'm living my life. I may not be cliff diving or being as extreme as one can be... but with one change in my life, I feel very much alive........ This would be the part where if I were any other kind of person, I'd say something like " My name is Tawni and I'd like to introduce you to the power of Christ....." BUT, I'm very much agnostic, and I've never been one for propaganda.... especially the church kind.
Actually, the only change I made in my life was taking a stand for myself. Finally getting the courage up to do something I was dying to do. It turned out for the best, and even if it didn't work out, at least I did something for myself. At least I didn't go one more day thinking "What if I do this?"..... LIFE IS TOO SHORT!! I'm only 25.... BUT I've been through a LOT!! I've seen friends come and go, I've loved and lost, I've beaten and been beat.... err... uh... no. I mean there is no reason to hold yourself back from doing what you want. No one can stop you... only you. Life Lesson # 257.... stop being a wuss! Now I've got some plans of my own, and adventures for the future that I can't wait to embark on.
FOR INSTANCE: Next year I'm moving to Maine. Getting out of this toxic town and trying to make something of myself is only a smidgen of the goals I have for next year....
Alright, I realize this post sounds an awful lot like one of those Motivational Speaker's "You Can Do It" speeches... and I promise this is the last one I'll ever post. I've just noticed a lot of people I'm close to go down a dismal path. They can't drag themselves out because they don't want to. They are comfortable in their misery. I can only hope for them that that is the case. That their lives, as horrible as they make them seem, are exactly what they want to do until they die. (I can't imagine that it is, or else they wouldn't cry about it every time I see them.)
Sadder still are the ones who are in a dark, dark place where all they have is their misery (and alcohol) to keep them company. Congrats on being a hermit, losing your wife, kids, and most of your brain cells and liver functions. That kind of person is not what I want to become... and if you're smart, yee'd be wise to steer clear of that path to, arg ye matey!
I digress. Here's to the future. Forget about the past. Live this year, like it's your last. 2010, Reach for the Stars!!! (cue a picture of a unicorn on a rainbow with a teddy bear on his back singing "We are the Champions".)